Made to measure skates
At the House of Skates, we offer 2 brands for a made to measure skate. Aura Skates Jackson Skates Both companies offer a 3D scan system...
At the House of Skates, we offer 2 brands for a made to measure skate. Aura Skates Jackson Skates Both companies offer a 3D scan system...
Since the very beginnings when I started our flagship store ( House of Skates) in 2003, my goal was to offer the very best to skaters and the skating industry. Being a national level skater and coached by the very best, I knew how important it was for your skates and apparel to be available and up to standard. This was very challenging in those days, that is PRE House of Skates and our brand EliteXpression.
Over the years, since my beginnings (1996), many theories and ideas were passed and tried. Some of these theories were obviously based on ideas that were just beliefs that carried on from earlier generations. Since science, especially back then was non existant in our sport, all thoughts were purely creative.
For extra glide, stainless steel blades do a better job than carbon blades UNLESS they are dove tail blades like Gold Seal blades from John Wilson (IOW's wider in the front and narrower at the heel. These aspects provide better than usual glide.
The COBRA lace has been proven to be 325% more effective than a flat lace. In comparison to a flat lace which tends to loosen up during your sessio...
The Edge insole has been tested and proven by the INÉDI team to provide ankle stability. The insole allows skater's center of pressure to be in the...